Friday, September 24, 2010

Life With Animals

So the story begins...

Chaos is a mellow word for how things have been lately. My new adventure started on Saturday when I drove the four hour drive to Conn, Ontario to pick up my new family member, a west highland terrier pup, aka the dog for Ceasar's dog food. Thankfully I did not have to make the trip alone as a friend, lets just call him Jeff, came along for the journey.

The trip there was uneventful the car ride consisting of random chatter and singing combined with the ever  popular car dancing. As we got closer we were impressed by all the really nice farm houses in the area... houses that quickly started to get worse and worse till shacks were crumbling on the side of the road. Okay so now I'm a little freaked - waht if this dog is a popper? What if the woman is a toothless, hunchback living in squallor with fingernails down to her feet? What the hell will I do? I already paid the deposit! The answer is simple - run as fast as I can. Jeff thankfully is in concurance with my idea since he is not too fond of fingernails any longer than the average inch. With no wrong turn in site we locate the little house that the breeder is at. So far so good. It's nto a dilapitated crumbling hole in the ground... it's just a place. Not that great of one but a place nonetheless.  So in we go to find - we'll say Ms. Puppy - who is a very nice lady which you wouldn't have guessed from her emails. Anyway into the stinky house to the surplus of dogs in the living room... oh yes living room. And there is Widget.. all mellow... okay maybe not mellow but not crazy insane like his sister was. So pick up the pup sign the papers and make to run for it wheeeeenn she starts talking.... so an hour later and 3 attempts to leave we make it out the door.


The puppy is great on the ride home - especially considering Jeff can't read directions backwards and we took a bit of a detour to Guelph. He slept the whole way home and no issues at all. First night in his crate there was some crying for 10 minutes and then nothing. The second night it was about 20 minutes... but it wasn't till 4 am crying that I wanted to strangle him. I didn't! There were no puppies harmed in teh telling of this story. So out side we go and he thinks it's playtime so it's back into the crate and some more crying. Thanks to this moment right here Widget's crate has been moved to my room and a clock has been purchased and put in with him - the result? No crying! Ta-da! It's heaven!

So for the past week it's been a lot of playing and training... i swear he's going to think his name is leave it soon! He's gotten Sit down when he wants to pay attention and we are moving onto leave it which he really needs to learn since he loves to go trotting by with a sock or two in his mouth. He has recently discovered the cats - and their food - the first he loves to play with and thankfully dexter loves to play back (Mirage just likes to hiss and run which then enables a game of get the cat and me getting the dog and much hissing and yelling) the latter consists of him eating the food and them promptly throwing up. So needless to say the cat food has been moved a few times to prevent this and to prevent crying... now it is just a growl at the board blocking it everytime he walks by it.

Barking is now becoming interesting for him... he does it to most things his size that he doesn't understand - like the weed whacker and the recycling bins. He won't bark when I say no but he will lay on his belly and growl and grunt. It's actually pretty cute. It's also cute when he runs full tilt around the coffee table wobbling all over as Dex chases him.

All and all everything has been well and good... till last night...

Widget decided it was time to get sick. I didn't know a dog stomach could make so much noise! Talk about farts!! There was some barking some runs some of me running and a LOT of noises. Him though is all happily bounding about during this feeling just dandy and I'm like 'omg are you dying? are you sick? what's happening? do yuoneed a doctor?" Him: cocking head to the side and bouncing with tail wagging. Me. Knob. So thinking I am a genius i puth im in his crate with a puppy pad so if he needs to yak or poop he's got his blanket protected. Widget doesn't like this. Widget decides ripping the puppy bad up and balling it in his corner is a better idea.. so all night I hear ripping paper... and then he can't figure out why he keeps coughing all morning! Maybe it's cause you'e been eating plastic all night! Dummy!!

He seems alright though.. he's still his same old happy self this orning and there are not so many noises so that has to count for something right? Ugh! Not even a week at home and already this! Is there something in the air that is making my pets sick? How is Mirage immune?

That's it! Organic diet for everyone!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Post

Alright peeps! I'm blogging! Oh yeah that's right I'm blogging! We'll see how long this lasts! Now I'm going to tell you my adventure without worrying about other's finding it.. heee hee hee... there will be code words and everything. Most of this will be about my day to day adventures combined with my newest undertaking starting Saturday.

A new puppy.

Not just a new puppy but introducing a new puppy to 2 not so new cats. One that is momentarily sick!! Oh yeah... chaaaaoos!

So you might be wondering at the title.. well it's easy.  You see there were so many of the ones i wanted taken so i went with what I like (pickles.. duh who doesn't like pickles!) and it will have a lot to do with my pets.. so tada!! A name.. so stay tuned. This might also have shorts and stories and writing and poems.. anything my wee heart desires! Including spelling errors and my own grammer... oh yeah deal with it!

Friendly comments will be welcome! Mean ones will be smitted and evil karma sent upon!!

Stay tuned my peeps!